- Poruka: 6
- Primljenih Zahvalnica: 0
Blood Spike
<br><br>Post edited by: Goran, at: 15.08.2006 17:38Blood spike
Visit the Blood spike topic if you want to discuss/improve this description.
[build prof=N/Mo blo=12+3+1 sou=9+1 hea=9][barbed signet][shadow strike][vampiric gaze][awaken the blood][well of power][heal other][well of blood][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=N/Mo blo=12+3+1 sou=9+1 hea=9][barbed signet][shadow strike][vampiric gaze][awaken the blood][healing hands][heal other][heal party][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=N/Mo blo=12+3+1 sou=9+1 hea=9][barbed signet][shadow strike][vampiric gaze][awaken the blood][healing hands][heal other][heal party][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=N/Mo blo=12+3+1 sou=9+1 pro=9][barbed signet][shadow strike][vampiric gaze][awaken the blood][mark of protection][aegis][convert hexes][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=N/Mo blo=12+3+1 sou=9+1 pro=9][barbed signet][shadow strike][vampiric gaze][awaken the blood][mark of protection][aegis][convert hexes][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=N/Mo blo=12+3+1 sou=9+1 hea=9][barbed signet][shadow strike][vampiric gaze][awaken the blood][martyr][infuse health][purge conditions][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=R/W exp=11+3 wil=11+1 bea=8+1][oath shot][frozen soil][muddy terrain][quickening zephyr][winter][primal echoes][whirling defense][fertile season][/build]
[build prof=Rt/Me spa=12+3+1 com=12+1][ritual lord][boon of creation][shelter][union][displacement][soothing][draw spirit][resurrection signet][/build]
The objective of the spikers is to spike using shadow strike or barbed signet followed by vampiric gaze. The 2 spiritspammers (the Rit and the ranger) keep spamming spirits, whenever they made 2 of the same kind one dies. The necro's get unlimited energy this way because of their soul reaping.
If the necro's aren't spiking they should keep each other alive. The 2 healing hands necro's and the WoP (well of power) necro are the main scource of healing. The 2 mark of protection necro's chain aegis (while under qz)
The ranger keeps spamming muddy terrain, quickening zephyr, primal echoes and winter. Oath shot takes care of the recharge. Frozen soil is there to stop resurrects, in other words: fs is used after the first succesfull spike.
The ritualist spams his spirits to protect the necro's even more.
Blood spike is so popular becauses it has a lot of holding power while having a effective spike. Healing hands and mark of protection should keep the hero alive.
The spike's should follow each other faster then a infuse monk could infuse because of energy issuses.
-A monk with infuse health can easely infuse a few spikes. If he's supported with enough e-mangement skills he should be able to handle the spikes.
-Interrupts: A decent interrupt mesmer or ranger can easely interrupt a necro's shadow strike/vampiric gaze. If enough necro's get interrupted the spike fails. Blackout, diversion and guilt/shame have a similar effect.
-Damage: The necro's have only 60 AL, leaving them weak for melee or elemental damage. Keep in mind that they can't heal while spiking.
-Spirits spammer: without them, the necro's will lose their energy rather quickly.
In every life we have some trouble, if u worried u make it double, dont worry be happy..:woohoo: :evil:
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Kakvo sunce u sred bijela dana ??
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