Life Bonder


16 Protection (12+4)
9 Divine Favor (8+1)
10 Inspiration


Balthazar's Spirit (Monk)Blessed Signet (Monk)Guardian (Monk, Prot)Life Bond (Monk, Prot)Mantra of Inscriptions (Mesm, Insp)Protective Spirit (monk)Restore Condition (Monk, Prot, E)Reversal of Fortune (Monk, Prot)

  1. Balthazar's Spirit (Recharge) - Smiting Prayers
  2. Blessed Signet (Gain Energy) - Divine Favor
  3. Guardian (Defence) - Protection Prayers
  4. Life Bond (Reduced Damage) - Protection Prayers
  5. Mantra of Inscriptions (Recharge) - Inspiration Magic
  6. Protective Spirit (Reduced Damage) - Protection Prayers
  7. Restore Condition [Elite] (Remove Conditions) - Protection Prayers
  8. Reversal of Fortune (Healing) - Protection Prayers

Monk Bonder


Protection Prayers : 13 (with Defender's Scalp Design)
Divine Favor : 11 (with Sup/Major Divine favor rune)
Rest in Smiting Prayers (use a major/minor smiting if u want)

Life Bond (Monk, Prot)Life Barrier (Monk, E)Balthazar's Spirit (Monk)Blessed Signet (Monk)Mend Condition (Monk)Reversal of Fortune (Monk, Prot)Shielding Hands (Monk)Aegis (Monk)
  1. The Base of your build: Life Bond -> basicly takes half the damage an ally would take away, sends it to u and reduces it by 27 before u get it!
  2. Life Barrier (elite skill) -> Capture it at Copperhammer mines! While enchanted, it reduces dmg recieved by target ally by half!
  3. Spirit of balthazar -> cast on yourself! Whenever u take dmg, u gain energy! And since Life Bond sends dmg to you, u regain energy fast
  4. Blessed Signet -> Gives you 3 energy for everyyy enchanment u control! (with that much enchanments and Divine favor, it gives u +20 energy every 10 sec)
  5. Mend Condition -> remove one condition from taaarget ally, that allie is healed for 57 hp for each removed condition
  6. Reversal of Fortune -> For 10 seconds, the next time target ally recieves dmg, that ally is healed for that ammount of dmg instead (max 70 with 13 prot)
  7. Shielding Hands -> For 10 seconds, dmg recieved by target ally is reduced by 16
  8. Aegis -> For 11 seconds, all allies have a 50% chance to block attacks

Najcesce se koristi u farm timovima, npr.ORO farm...

Warrior (Tank)
Necro (MM)
Ele (Nuke)
Monk 1 (Heal)
Monk 2 (Prot)

Monk Bonder
16  Prot
9  Inspiration
11  Divine


  Life Attunement (Monk)
Mantra of Inscriptions (Mesm, Insp)Blessed Signet (Monk)Life Bond (Monk, Prot)Divine Boon (Monk)Reversal of Fortune (Monk, Prot)Mend Ailment (Monk)Balthazar's Spirit (Monk) any
  Aura of Faith (Monk)

  1. Mantra of Inscriptions
  2. Blessed signet
  3. Life Bond
  4. Divine boon
  5. Reversal of Fortune
  6. Mend Ailmend
  7. Balthazar's spirit
  8. Life attunement/Aura of faith/ A skill you like

Blessed Signet (Monk)Life Bond (Monk, Prot)Life Barrier (Monk, E)Dwayna's Kiss (Monk)Healing Breeze (Monk)Divine Boon (Monk)Balthazar's Spirit (Monk)Rebirth (Monk)

  1. Blessed Signet
  2. Life Bond
  3. Life Barrier <----For tanking situations.
  4. Dwayna's Kiss
  5. Healing Breeze
  6. Divine Boon<----Might as well have one more enchantment to maintain
  7. Balthazar's Spirit <----Make sure you put it on your self and not someone esle.
  8. Rebirth



Monk Bonder build za farm u Sorows Furnice

Moj build za farm u Sorows Furnice-u je

Life Barrier (Monk, E)Life Bond (Monk, Prot)Essence Bond (Monk)Life Attunement (Monk)Blessed Signet (Monk)Mantra of Inscriptions (Mesm, Insp)Mend Condition (Monk)Rebirth (Monk)

  1. Life Barrier
  2. Life Bond
  3. Essence Bond
  4. Life Attunment
  5. Blessed Signet
  6. Mantra Of Inscriptions
  7. Mend Condition
  8. Rebirth

 Naravno viÄ‘ao sam i druge build-ove, koji umesto Mend Ailment nose Succor kao pomoć Healing monk-u, pa koji umesto Mantre nose Vital Blessing. Svaki build ima svoje prednosti i mane. Stvar je u tome ko sta vise voli.
E sada sto se tiče održavanja energije, to se postize sa Blessed Signetom. Naime Blessed signet vraca 3 energije za svaki enchantment koji održavaš. Znači kada baciš 7 enchantmenta dobiješ -3 energy regeneraciju ali Blessed signet za tih 7 enchantmenta vraca 20 energije po aktiviranju. Mantra sluzi da za 30 i kusur posto smanji cooldown time za signete, tako da se energija može brže vraćati.

Da od veče je važnosti da se zna koji bond ide pre kojeg. Uvek treba prvo bacati Life Barrier pa tek onda Life Bond zato što kada bi bacali obrnuto, onaj na kojeg su bačeni bondovi ne bi nista ni primetio, ali monk koji je pobacao bondove primeti. Life Bond smanjuje dmg. za 50% ali preostalih 50% se vraća bonderu umanjeno za neku vrednost, uglavnom bonder dobije neki dmg. Ali ako se prvo baci Life Barrier, on smanjuje dmg. za oko 50% ali nema vraćanja dmg.-a bonderu, tako da dmg. koji sada treba Life Bond da prepolovi j eznatno manja i praktično bonder prima dmg. 0.

Atributi su meni razmešteni na sledeći način:
Protection Prayers 14
Devine Favour 12
Inspiration Magic 6

Build za FoW Bondera je kod mene sličan onome za farm sem što umesto Mend Ailment nosim Aegis. Naravno takav Build najvise ima smisla kada se kreće u Fow sa namerom da se primeni Book trick.


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