Monk skill lista
Divine Favor
Aura of Faith   10    1    15      (Tyria)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 60 seconds, target ally gains 24..50% more Health when healed.{target}
Blessed Aura   -1    10    2    2      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, Monk Enchantments you cast last 10..35% longer.{self}
Blessed Light   10    0.75    5      (Cantha)
Elite Spell: Heal target ally for 10..115{div} Health and remove one Condition and one Hex.
Blessed Signet   2    10      (Core)
Signet: For each Enchantment you are maintaining, you gain 3 Energy (maximum 3..24).
Boon Signet   1    5      (Cantha)
Elite Signet: Heal target ally for 5..35 Health. For each Enchantment on that ally, you gain 2 Energy. (Maximum 1..6 Energy.)
Contemplation of Purity   5    0.25    10      (Tyria)
Skill: Lose all Enchantments. For each one lost, you gain 0..80 Health, lose one Hex, and lose one Condition (maximum 1..8 Hexes and Conditions).
Divine Boon   -1    5    0.25    10      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, whenever you cast a Monk Spell that targets an ally, that ally is healed for 15..60 Health, and you lose 2 Energy.{self}
Divine Healing   10    2    30      (Tyria)
Spell: Heal yourself and party members in the area for 10..260 points.{self}
Divine Intervention   5    0.25    30      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 10 seconds, the next time target ally receives damage that would be fatal, the damage is negated and that ally is healed for 26..240 Health.{target}
Divine Spirit   10    0.25    60      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: For 1..14 seconds, Monk Spells cost you 5 less Energy to cast. (Minimum cost: 1 Energy.){self}
Healer's Boon   -1    5    0.25    10      (Elona)
Elite Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, your next 10..30 Healing Prayers Spells cast 50% faster and heal for 50% more Health.{self}
Heaven's Delight   10    2    30      (Cantha)
Spell: Heal yourself and party members in the area for 10..260 points.{self}
Holy Haste   10    1    10      (Elona)
Enchantment Spell: For 1..60 seconds, your Healing Prayers Spells cast 50% faster. This Enchantment ends if you cast another Enchantment.{self}
Peace and Harmony   5    1    10      (Tyria)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 30..90 seconds, target ally gains +1 Energy regeneration. Peace and Harmony ends if that ally casts a spell that targets a foe, or if that ally deals damage to a foe.{target}
Release Enchantments   5    1    5      (Cantha)
Spell: Lose all Enchantments. Each party member is healed for 5..35 Health for each Monk Enchantment lost.{self}
Scribe's Insight   5    0.25    20      (Elona)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 10..35 seconds, you gain 3 Energy whenever you use a Signet.{self}
Signet of Devotion   2    5      (Core)
Signet: Heal target ally for 14..100 Health.
Spell Breaker   15    1    45      (Core)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 5..17 seconds, enemy Spells targeted against target ally fail.{target}
Spell Shield   10    2    30      (Cantha)
Enchantment Spell: For 5..20 seconds, while you are casting spells, you cannot be the target of spells. When Spell Shield ends, all your skills are disabled for 10..5 seconds.{self}
Unyielding Aura   -1    5    3    15      (Tyria)
Elite Enchantment Spell: Bring target dead party member back to life at full Health and full Energy. If you stop maintaining this Enchantment or if this Enchantment is removed, that party member dies and leaves an exploited corpse. Deaths while enchanted with Unyielding Aura do not incur a death penalty. (50% failure chance with Divine Favor 4 or less.)
Watchful Healing   5    1    10      (Elona)
Enchantment Spell: For 10 seconds, target ally gains +1..4 Health regeneration. If this Skill ends prematurely, that ally gains 30..120 Health.{target}
Watchful Spirit   -1    15    1    5      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally gains +2 Health regeneration. That ally is healed for 30..180 Health when Watchful Spirit ends.{target}
Withdraw Hexes   15    1    5      (Cantha)
Elite Spell: Remove all Hexes from target ally and all adjacent allies. This Spell takes an additional 20..5 seconds to recharge for each Hex removed in this way.{target}

Healing Prayers
Dwayna's Kiss   5    1    3      (Tyria)
Spell: Heal target other ally for 15..60{div} Health and an additional 10..35 Health for each Enchantment or Hex on that ally.
Dwayna's Sorrow   5    1    5      (Cantha)
Enchantment Spell: For 30 seconds, target ally and all nearby allies are Enchanted with Dwayna's Sorrow. If an ally dies while under the effects of Dwayna's Sorrow, your party is healed for 5..50.{target}
Ethereal Light   5    1    5      (Cantha)
Spell: Target ally is healed for 25..100{div}. This Spell is easily interrupted.
Gift of Health   5    0.75    5      (Cantha)
Spell: All of your other Healing Prayers skills are disabled for 10..5 seconds. Target other ally is healed for 15..150{div} Health.
Glimmer of Light   5    0.25    2      (Elona)
Elite Spell: Heal target ally for 25..85{div} Health.
Heal Area   10    1    5      (Tyria)
Spell: Heal yourself and all adjacent creatures for 30..180 points.{self}
Heal Other   10    0.75    3      (Tyria)
Spell: Heal target other ally for 35..180{div} Health.
Heal Party   15    2    2      (Core)
Spell: Heal entire party for 16..80 Health.{self}
Healer's Covenant   -1    5    0.25    5      (Elona)
Elite Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, your healing Spells heal for 25% less Health, but cost -1..3 Energy.{self}
Healing Breeze   10    1    2      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 10 seconds, target ally gains +3..9 Health regeneration.{target}
Healing Burst   5    0.75    10      (Cantha)
Elite Spell: Target touched ally and all nearby allies are healed for 30..150{div} Health. If more than one ally was healed, you lose 5 Energy.
Healing Hands   5    0.25    25      (Tyria)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 10 seconds, whenever target ally takes damage, that ally is healed for 5..35 Health.{target}
Healing Light   5    1    4      (Cantha)
Elite Spell: Heal target ally for 40..100{div} Health. If your target has an Enchantment, you gain 1..3 Energy.
Healing Ring   5    1    10      (Elona)
Spell: Heal adjacent creatures for 30..180 Health.{self}
Healing Seed   10    2    25      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 10 seconds, whenever target other ally takes damage, that ally and all adjacent allies gain 3..30 Health.{target}
Healing Touch   5    0.75    5      (Core)
Spell: Heal target touched ally for 16..60{div} Health. Health gain from Divine Favor is doubled for this Spell.
Healing Whisper   5    1    1      (Cantha)
Spell: Target other ally is healed for 40..100{div}. This spell has half the normal range.
Infuse Health   10    0.25      (Core)
Spell: Lose half your current Health. Target other ally is healed for 100..136% of the amount you lost.{target}
Jamei's Gaze   10    0.75    3      (Cantha)
Spell: Heal target other ally for 35..180{div} Health.
Karei's Healing Circle   10    1    5      (Cantha)
Spell: Heal yourself and all adjacent creatures for 30..180 points.{self}
Light of Deliverance   5    1    5      (Elona)
Elite Spell: All party members under 80% Health are healed for 5..80 Health.{self}
Live Vicariously   -1    5    2      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, whenever target ally hits a foe, you gain 2..17 Health.{target}
Mending   -1    10    2      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally gains +1..4 Health regeneration.{target}
Orison of Healing   5    1    2      (Core)
Spell: Heal target ally for 20..70{div} Health.
Renew Life   15    6    5      (Elona)
Spell: Resurrect target touched dead target party member with 50% Health and 5..20% Energy. That party member and all allies within earshot are healed for 55..130 Health.
Restful Breeze   5    1    8      (Elona)
Enchantment Spell: For 5..13 seconds, target ally has +10 Health regeneration. This Enchantment ends if that ally attacks or uses a Skill.{target}
Restore Life   10    6    8      (Tyria)
Spell: Touch the body of a fallen party member. Target party member is returned to life with 20..65% Health and 42..90% Energy.
Resurrection Chant   10    6    15      (Cantha)
Spell: Resurrect target party member with up to your current Health and 5..35% Energy. This spell has half the normal range.
Signet of Rejuvenation   1    8      (Cantha)
Signet: Heal target ally for 5..60. If target ally is casting a spell or attacking, that ally is healed for an additional 15..75 Health.
Supportive Spirit   10    0.75    8      (Elona)
Enchantment Spell: For 5..23 seconds, whenever target ally takes damage while knocked down, that ally is healed for 5..35 Health.{target}
Vigorous Spirit   5    1    4      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: For 30 seconds, each time target ally attacks or casts a Spell, that ally is healed for 5..20 Health.{target}
Word of Healing   5    0.75    4      (Core)
Elite Spell: Heal target other ally for 15..100{div} Health. Heal for an additional 15..100 Health if that ally is below 50% Health.
Words of Comfort   5    1    4      (Elona)
Spell: Target ally is healed for 15..60{div} Health and an additional 15..45 Health if that ally is suffering from a Condition.

Protection Prayers
Aegis   15    2    30      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 5..11 seconds, all party members have a 50% chance to block attacks.{self}
Air of Enchantment   5    0.25    8      (Cantha)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 4..10 seconds, Enchantments cast on target other ally cost 5 less Energy (minimum 1 Energy).{target}
Amity   5    0.25    45      (Tyria)
Elite Hex Spell: For 8..20 seconds, adjacent foes cannot attack. For each foe, Amity ends if that foe takes damage.{self}
Convert Hexes   15    2    20      (Core)
Spell: Remove all Hexes from target other ally. For 8..20 seconds, that ally gains +10 armor for each Necromancer Hex that was removed.{target}
Dismiss Condition   5    0.75    3      (Elona)
Spell: Remove one Condition from target ally. If that ally is under the effects of an Enchantment, that ally is healed for 15..75 Health.{target}
Divert Hexes   10    1    5      (Elona)
Elite Spell: Remove up to 1..3 Hexes from target ally. For each Hex removed in this way, that ally loses one Condition and gains 15..75 Health.{target}
Draw Conditions   5    0.25    2      (Core)
Spell: All negative Conditions are transferred from target other ally to yourself. For each Condition acquired, you gain 6..26 Health.{target}
Extinguish   15    1    12      (Cantha)
Spell: Remove one Condition from each party member. Party members relieved of Burning are healed for 10..100 Health.{self}
Guardian   5    1    2      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 5 seconds, target ally has a 20..50% chance to block attacks.{target}
Life Attunement   -1    10    2      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally deals 30% less damage in combat, but gains 14..50% more Health when healed.{target}
Life Barrier   -1    15    2    5      (Tyria)
Elite Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, damage dealt to target other ally is reduced by 20..50%. If your Health is below 50% when that ally takes damage, Life Barrier ends.{target}
Life Bond   -1    10    2      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, whenever target other ally takes damage from an attack, half the damage is redirected to you. The damage you receive this way is reduced by 3..30.{target}
Life Sheath   5    1    7      (Cantha)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 20 seconds, the next 30..150 damage target ally would take is negated.{target}
Mark of Protection   10    1    45      (Tyria)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 10 seconds, whenever target ally would take damage, that ally is healed for that amount instead, maximum 6..60. All your Protection Prayers are disabled for 5 seconds.{target}
Mend Ailment   5    0.75    5      (Core)
Spell: Remove one Condition (Poison, Disease, Blindness, Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, or Deep Wound) from target ally. For each remaining Condition, that ally is healed for 5..70 Health.{target}
Mend Condition   5    0.75    2      (Tyria)
Spell: Remove one Condition (Poison, Disease, Blindness, Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, or Deep Wound) from target other ally. If a Condition is removed, that ally is healed for 5..70 Health.{target}
Mending Touch   5    0.75    4      (Elona)
Spell: Touched ally loses two Conditions and is healed for 15..60 Health for each Condition removed in this way.{target}
Pacifism   10    2    30      (Tyria)
Hex Spell: For 8..20 seconds, target foe cannot attack. This effect ends if the target takes damage.
Pensive Guardian   5    1    5      (Elona)
Enchantment Spell: For 5..11 seconds, target ally has a 50% chance to block attacks from Enchanted foes.{target}
Protective Bond   -1    10    2      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally cannot lose more than 5% max Health due to damage from a single attack or Spell. When Protective Bond prevents damage, you lose 6..3 Energy or the Spell ends.{target}
Protective Spirit   10    0.25    5      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 5..23 seconds, target ally cannot lose more than 10% max Health due to damage from a single attack or Spell.{target}
Rebirth   10    5      (Core)
Spell: Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy, and is teleported to your current location. All of target's skills are disabled for 10..3 seconds. This Spell consumes all of your remaining Energy.
Restore Condition   5    0.75    2      (Tyria)
Elite Spell: Remove all Conditions (Poison, Disease, Blindness, Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, and Deep Wound) from target other ally. For each Condition removed, that ally is healed for 10..70 Health.{target}
Reversal of Fortune   5    0.25    2      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 8 seconds, the next time target ally would take damage, that ally gains that amount of Health instead, maximum 15..80.{target}
Reverse Hex   10    2    7      (Cantha)
Enchantment Spell: Remove one Hex from target ally. For 5..10 seconds, the next time target ally would take damage, that damage is reduced by 5..50.{target}
Shield Guardian   10    1    1      (Cantha)
Enchantment Spell: For 10 seconds, target ally has a 75% chance to block incoming attacks. The next time target ally blocks an attack, that ally and all nearby allies are healed for 16..80 and Shield Guardian ends.{target}
Shield of Absorption   5    1    10      (Elona)
Enchantment Spell: For 3..7 seconds, damage received by target ally is reduced by 5 each time that ally is hit while under the effects of this Enchantment.{target}
Shield of Deflection   10    0.25    5      (Tyria)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 1..7 seconds, target ally has a 75% chance to block attacks and gains 15..30 armor.{target}
Shield of Regeneration   15    0.25    5      (Core)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 5..13 seconds, target ally gains +3..10 Health regeneration and 40 armor.{target}
Shielding Hands   5    0.25    15      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 8 seconds, damage received by target ally is reduced by 3..18.{target}
Spirit Bond   10    0.25    2      (Cantha)
Enchantment Spell: For 8 seconds, whenever target ally takes more than 60 damage from the next 10 attacks or Spells, that ally is healed for 40..100 Health.{target}
Vital Blessing   -1    10    0.75    2      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally has +40..200 maximum Health.{target}
Zealous Benediction   10    0.75    4      (Elona)
Elite Spell: Heal target ally for 30..180{div} Health. If target was below 50% Health, you gain 10 Energy.

Smiting Prayers
Balthazar's Aura   25    2    25      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 8 seconds, foes adjacent to target ally take 10..25 holy damage each second.{target}
Balthazar's Pendulum   5    1    5      (Elona)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 5..20 seconds, the next time target ally would be knocked down by a foe, that foe is knocked down instead.{target}
Balthazar's Spirit   -1    10    2      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally gains adrenaline and Energy after taking damage. (The amount of adrenaline gained increases depending on your rank in Smiting Prayers.){target}
Bane Signet   1    20      (Core)
Signet: Target foe takes 26..56 holy damage. If that foe was attacking, he is knocked down.
Banish   5    1    10      (Core)
Spell: Target foe takes 20..56 holy damage. This spell does double damage to summoned creatures.
Defender's Zeal   5    1    5      (Elona)
Elite Hex Spell: For 5..25 seconds, whenever target foe hits with an attack, you gain 2 Energy.
Holy Strike   5    0.75    8      (Tyria)
Skill: Touched target foe takes 10..55 holy damage. If knocked down, your target takes an additional 10..55 holy damage.
Holy Wrath   -1    10    2      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, whenever target ally takes attack damage, this Spell deals 66% of the damage back to the source (maximum of 5..50 damage), and you lose 10 Energy.{target}
Judge's Insight   10    2    10      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 8..20 seconds, target ally's attacks deal holy damage and have +20% armor penetration.{target}
Judge's Intervention   5    0.25    30      (Elona)
Enchantment Spell: For 10 seconds, the next time target ally receives damage that would be fatal, the damage is negated and one nearby foe takes 30..180 damage.{target}
Kirin's Wrath   5    2    30      (Cantha)
Spell: For 5 seconds, foes adjacent to the location in which the spell was cast take 8..32 holy damage each second.{self}
Ray of Judgment   15    1    30      (Cantha)
Elite Spell: All your skills except Smiting Prayers are disabled for 10 seconds. Target foe and adjacent foes take 30..105 holy damage. Animated undead struck by Ray of Judgment are set on fire for 3..9 seconds.
Retribution   -1    10    2      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, whenever target ally takes attack damage, this Spell deals 33% of the damage back to the source (maximum 5..20 damage).{target}
Reversal of Damage   5    0.25    8      (Elona)
Enchantment Spell: For 8 seconds, the next time target ally would take damage, the foe dealing the damage takes that damage instead (maximum 5..75).{target}
Scourge Enchantment   10    2    5      (Elona)
Hex Spell: For 30 seconds, each time target foe is the target of an Enchantment, the caster of that Enchantment takes 15..75 damage.
Scourge Healing   10    2    5      (Core)
Hex Spell: For 30 seconds, every time target foe is healed, the healer takes 15..80 holy damage.
Scourge Sacrifice   10    1    5      (Tyria)
Hex Spell: For 8..20 seconds, every time target foe and adjacent foes sacrifice life, they sacrifice twice the normal amount.
Shield of Judgment   15    1    45      (Tyria)
Elite Enchantment Spell: For 8..20 seconds, anyone striking target ally with an attack is knocked down and suffers 5..50 damage.{target}
Signet of Judgment   1    20      (Core)
Elite Signet: Target foe is knocked down. That foe and all adjacent foes take 15..75 holy damage.
Signet of Mystic Wrath   2    20      (Elona)
Signet: Target foe takes 5..35 holy damage for each Enchantment on you (maximum 100 holy damage).
Signet of Rage   2    20      (Cantha)
Signet: Target foe takes 10..40 holy damage and +5..11 holy damage for each adrenaline skill that foe has.
Smite   10    1    10      (Tyria)
Spell: This attack deals 10..55 Holy damage. If attacking, your target takes an additional 10..35 Holy damage.
Smite Hex   5    1    15      (Core)
Spell: Remove a Hex from target ally. If a Hex is removed, foes in the area suffer 10..85 damage.{target}
Spear of Light   5    1    15      (Cantha)
Spell: Spear of Light flies toward target foe and deals 26..56 holy damage if it hits. Spear of Light deals +15..60 damage if it hits an attacking foe.
Stonesoul Strike   5    0.75    8      (Cantha)
Skill: Touched target foe takes 10..55 holy damage. If knocked down, your target takes an additional 10..55 holy damage.
Strength of Honor   -1    10    2      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally deals 1..10 more damage in melee.{target}
Symbol of Wrath   5    2    30      (Tyria)
Spell: For 5 seconds, foes adjacent to the location in which the spell was cast take 8..32 holy damage each second.{self}
Word of Censure   10    1    2      (Cantha)
Elite Spell: Target foe takes 15..75 holy damage. If your target was below 33% Health, Word of Censure takes 20 additional seconds to recharge.
Zealot's Fire   10    0.25    30      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: For 60 seconds, whenever you use a Skill that targets an ally, all foes adjacent to that target are struck for 5..35 fire damage and you lose 1 Energy.{self}

No Attribute
Deny Hexes   5    1    12      (Cantha)
Spell: Remove one Hex from target ally for each recharging Divine Favor skill you have.{target}
Empathic Removal   5    1    10      (Cantha)
Elite Spell: You and target other ally lose 1 Condition and 1 Hex.{target}
Essence Bond   -1    10    2      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, whenever target ally takes physical or elemental damage, you gain 1 Energy.{target}
Holy Veil   -1    5    1    12      (Core)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, any Hex cast on target ally takes twice as long to cast. When Holy Veil ends, one Hex is removed from target ally.{target}
Light of Dwayna   25    4    20      (Tyria)
Spell: Resurrect all dead party members in the area. They are returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy.{self}
Martyr   5    1    10      (Core)
Elite Spell: Transfer all Conditions and their remaining durations from your party members to you.{self}
Purge Conditions   5    0.25    20      (Core)
Spell: Remove all Conditions (Poison, Disease, Blindness, Dazed, Bleeding, Crippled, Burning, Weakness, and Deep Wound) from target ally.{target}
Purge Signet   2    20      (Core)
Signet: Remove all Hexes and Conditions from target ally. You lose 10 Energy for each Hex and each Condition removed.
Remove Hex   5    2    7      (Core)
Spell: Remove a Hex from target ally.{target}
Resurrect   10    5    8      (Core)
Spell: Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy.
Signet of Removal   1    5      (Elona)
Elite Signet: If target ally is under the effects of an Enchantment, that ally loses one Hex and one Condition.
Succor   -1    5    1    10      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: While you maintain this Enchantment, target other ally gains +1 Health and +1 Energy regeneration, but you lose 1 Energy each time that ally casts a Spell.{target}
Vengeance   10    4    60      (Tyria)
Enchantment Spell: Bring target dead party member back to life at full Health and full Energy. For 30 seconds, that party member deals 15% more damage. When this Enchantment ends, target party member dies. Deaths while under the effects of this Enchantment do not incur a death penalty.

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