Axe Mastery
Agonizing Chop 6 (Elona) Axe Attack: When this attack hits, you deal +5..20 damage. If target foe is suffering from a Deep Wound, you interrupt that foe's action. | |
Axe Rake 7 (Core) Axe Attack: If this attack hits a foe suffering from a Deep Wound, you strike for +1..10 damage, and that foe becomes Crippled for 15 seconds. | |
Axe Twist 7 (Tyria) Axe Attack: If this attack hits a foe suffering from a Deep Wound, you strike for 1..20 more damage and that foe suffers from Weakness for 20 seconds. | |
Cleave 4 (Core) Elite Axe Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +10..30 damage. | |
Critical Chop 5 0.5 15 (Elona) Axe Attack: If this attack hits, you inflict +5..20 damage. If this attack results in a critical hit, target foe is interrupted. | |
Cyclone Axe 5 4 (Core) Axe Attack: Perform a spinning axe attack striking for +4..12 damage to all adjacent opponents. | |
Decapitate 8 (Elona) Elite Axe Attack: You lose all adrenaline and all Energy. If this attack hits, you deal +5..50 damage and cause a Deep Wound for 5..20 seconds. This attack always results in a critical hit. | |
Dismember 5 (Core) Axe Attack: If it hits, this axe blow will inflict a Deep Wound on the target foe, lowering that foe's maximum Health by 20% for 5..20 seconds. | |
Disrupting Chop 6 (Core) Axe Attack: If it hits, this attack interrupts the target's current action. If that action was a skill, that skill is disabled for an additional 20 seconds. | |
Eviscerate 8 (Tyria) Elite Axe Attack: If Eviscerate hits, you strike for +1..31 damage and inflict a Deep Wound, lowering your target's maximum Health by 20% for 5..20 seconds. | |
Executioner's Strike 8 (Core) Axe Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +10..40 damage. | |
Furious Axe 5 6 (Cantha) Axe Attack: If Furious Axe hits, you strike for +5..35 damage. If it is blocked you gain 3 strikes worth of adrenaline. | |
Lacerating Chop 5 (Cantha) Axe Attack: If Lacerating Chop hits, you deal +5..20 damage. If it strikes a knocked down foe your target suffers from Bleeding for 5..20 seconds. | |
Penetrating Blow 5 (Tyria) Axe Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +5..20 damage. This axe attack has 20% armor penetration. | |
Penetrating Chop 5 (Cantha) Axe Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +5..20 damage. This axe attack has 20% armor penetration. | |
Swift Chop 5 4 (Core) Axe Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +1..20 damage. If Swift Chop is blocked, your target suffers a Deep Wound for 20 seconds and takes an additional 1..20 damage. | |
Triple Chop 5 10 (Cantha) Elite Axe Attack: Attack target foe and adjacent foes. Each attack that hits deals +10..40 damage. | |
Whirling Axe 2 (Cantha) Elite Axe Attack: If Whirling Axe hits, you strike for +5..20 damage. If it is blocked, Whirling Axe is disabled for 15 seconds. |
Hammer Mastery
Auspicious Blow 8 (Cantha) Hammer Attack: If Auspicious Blow hits, you strike for +5..20 damage. If it hits a foe suffering from Weakness you gain 3..8 Energy. | |
Backbreaker 10 (Tyria) Elite Hammer Attack: If Backbreaker hits, you strike for +1..20 damage and your target is knocked down for 4 seconds. | |
Belly Smash 5 1 30 (Tyria) Hammer Attack: If this attack strikes a foe who is on the ground, the resulting dust cloud will blind adjacent foes for 3..10 seconds. | |
Counter Blow 4 (Core) Hammer Attack: If this attack hits an attacking foe, that foe is knocked down. | |
Crude Swing 5 5 (Tyria) Hammer Attack: Attack all adjacent foes. Each foe you hit is struck for +1..20 damage. This action is easily interrupted. | |
Crushing Blow 5 10 (Tyria) Hammer Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +1..20 damage. If you hit a knocked-down foe you inflict a Deep Wound, lowering your target's maximum Health by 20% for 5..20 seconds. | |
Devastating Hammer 7 (Core) Elite Hammer Attack: If Devastating Hammer hits, your target is knocked down and suffers from Weakness for 5..20 seconds. | |
Earth Shaker 8 (Tyria) Elite Hammer Attack: Target foe and all adjacent foes are knocked down. (50% failure chance with Hammer Mastery 4 or less.) | |
Enraged Smash 2 (Cantha) Elite Hammer Attack: If it hits, Enraged Smash deals +5..11 damage (maximum bonus 40) for each other fully charged adrenal skill you have. | |
Fierce Blow 6 (Cantha) Hammer Attack: If Fierce Blow strikes a foe suffering from Weakness, you deal +10..40 damage. Otherwise, you deal +5..20 damage if it hits. | |
Forceful Blow 5 (Cantha) Elite Hammer Attack: If Forceful Blow hits, you strike for +10..40 damage and your target is Weakened for 5..20 seconds. If it is blocked, you are knocked down. | |
Hammer Bash 6 (Core) Hammer Attack: Lose all adrenaline. If Hammer Bash hits, your target is knocked down. | |
Heavy Blow 6 (Core) Hammer Attack: Lose all adrenaline. If this attack hits a foe suffering from Weakness, that foe is knocked down and you strike for +1..30 damage. | |
Irresistible Blow 5 6 (Core) Hammer Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +5..20 damage. If Irresistible Blow is blocked, your target is knocked down and takes 5..20 damage. | |
Magehunter's Smash 5 (Elona) Elite Hammer Attack: If this attack hits a foe who is under the effects of an Enchantment, that foe is knocked down. | |
Mighty Blow 7 (Core) Hammer Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +6..35 damage. | |
Mokele Smash 5 20 (Elona) Hammer Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +5..20 damage and gain 2 strike of adrenaline. | |
Overbearing Smash 6 (Elona) Hammer Attack: If this attack hits, you deal +5..20 damage. If target foe is suffering from Weakness, this attack cannot be blocked. | |
Renewing Smash 10 20 (Cantha) Hammer Attack: If it hits, Renewing Smash deals +5..20 damage and all of your Warrior Stances are recharged. | |
Staggering Blow 6 (Core) Hammer Attack: If this hammer blow hits, your target will suffer from Weakness for 5..20 seconds. | |
Yeti Smash 7 (Cantha) Hammer Attack: If Yeti Smash hits, target foe is struck for +5..20 damage and all adjacent foes take 5..50 damage. |
"I Will Avenge You!" 5 45 (Tyria) Shout: For each dead ally, you gain 10 seconds of +3..7 Health regeneration and your attack speed increases by 25%. | |
"I Will Survive!" 5 30 (Tyria) Shout: You gain +3 Health regeneration for each condition you are suffering. This regeneration expires after 5..11 seconds. | |
"You Will Die!" 5 15 (Cantha) Shout: If target foe is below 50% Health, you gain 1..3 strike(s) of adrenaline. | |
Battle Rage 4 (Core) Elite Stance: For 5..20 seconds, you move 25% faster and gain double adrenaline from attacks. Battle Rage ends if you use any non-attack skills. When Battle Rage ends, you lose all adrenaline. | |
Berserker Stance 5 30 (Core) Stance: For 5..11 seconds, you attack 33% faster and gain 50% more adrenaline. Berserker Stance ends if you use a skill. | |
Bull's Charge 5 20 (Tyria) Elite Stance: For 5..11 seconds, you move 25% faster and if you strike a moving foe in melee, that foe is knocked down. Bull's Charge ends if you use a skill. | |
Bull's Strike 5 10 (Core) Melee Attack: If this attack hits a moving foe, you strike for +5..30 damage, and your target is knocked down. | |
Burst of Aggression 5 12 (Elona) Stance: For 5..10 seconds, you attack 33% faster. When this Stance ends, you lose all adrenaline. | |
Charging Strike 5 5 (Elona) Elite Stance: For 1..10 seconds, you run 33% faster. Your next sucessful hit does +10..40 damage and this Stance ends. This Stance ends if you use a Skill. | |
Counterattack 5 6 (Elona) Melee Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +5..35 damage. If you hit an attacking foe, you gain 2..6 Energy. | |
Defy Pain 6 (Tyria) Elite Skill: For 12 seconds you have an additional 90..300 Health and an additional 20 armor. | |
Dolyak Signet 20 (Tyria) Signet: For 8..20 seconds, you have +10..40 armor and cannot be knocked down, but your movement is slowed by 75%. | |
Dwarven Battle Stance 10 30 (Tyria) Elite Stance: For 5..11 seconds, you attack 25% faster, and if your hammer attacks hit, your target is interrupted. Dwarven Battle Stance ends if you use a skill. | |
Endure Pain 5 30 (Core) Skill: For 7..18 seconds you have an additional 90..300 Health. | |
Enraging Charge 5 20 (Elona) Stance: For 5..15 seconds, you move 25% faster. Enraging Charge ends when you successfully strike a target, at which point you gain 1..4 strikes of adrenaline. | |
Flail 4 (Elona) Stance: For 5..15 seconds, you attack 33% faster but move 33% slower. | |
Flourish 5 1 10 (Tyria) Elite Skill: All of your attack skills become recharged. You gain 1..7 Energy for each skill recharged by Flourish. | |
Griffon's Sweep 5 8 (Tyria) Melee Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +5..20 damage. If this attack is blocked, your target is knocked down and suffers 10..34 damage. | |
Headbutt 15 0.75 20 (Elona) Elite Skill: Target touched foe takes 40..100 damage. You are Dazed for 5..20 seconds. | |
Leviathan's Sweep 5 8 (Cantha) Melee Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +5..20 damage. If this attack is blocked, your target is knocked down and suffers 10..34 damage. | |
Lion's Comfort 5 1 (Elona) Skill: All of your Signets are disabled for 12 seconds. You are healed for 30..80 Health, and you gain 5 Health for each rank in Tactics. | |
Magehunter Strike 5 0.5 3 (Elona) Elite Melee Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +5..20 damage. If your target is under the effects of an Enchantment, this attack cannot be blocked. | |
Power Attack 5 3 (Core) Melee Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +10..40 damage. | |
Primal Rage 5 15 (Cantha) Elite Stance: For 10 seconds, all of your attacks have an additional 10..55% chance of being critical hits and have 20% armor penetration. Primal Rage disables all skills for 10 seconds. | |
Protector's Strike 5 0.5 3 (Tyria) Melee Attack: If this attack strikes a moving foe, you strike for 10..40 more damage. | |
Rage of the Ntouka 5 15 (Elona) Elite Skill: Gain 1..7 strikes of adrenaline. For 10 seconds, whenever you use an adrenal Skill, that Skill recharges for 5 seconds. | |
Rush 4 (Tyria) Stance: For 8..20 seconds, you move 25% faster. | |
Shield Bash 5 20 (Core) Skill: For 5..11 seconds, while wielding a shield, the next attack skill used against you is blocked. If it was a melee skill, your attacker is knocked down and that skill is disabled for an additional 15 seconds. | |
Signet of Stamina 0.25 20 (Elona) Signet: You have +50..300 maximum Health. This Signet ends if you successfully hit with an attack. | |
Signet of Strength 1 45 (Cantha) Signet: Your next 1..16 attacks deal +5 damage. | |
Sprint 5 20 (Core) Stance: For 8..14 seconds, you move 25% faster. | |
Tiger Stance 5 20 (Cantha) Stance: For 4..10 seconds, you attack 33% faster. Tiger Stance ends if any of your attacks fail to hit. | |
Warrior's Cunning 10 60 (Core) Skill: For 5..11 seconds, your melee attacks cannot be blocked. | |
Warrior's Endurance 5 30 (Tyria) Elite Stance: For 10..23 seconds, you gain 3 Energy each time you hit with a melee attack. Warrior's Endurance cannot raise your Energy above 10..25. |
Barbarous Slice 6 (Elona) Sword Attack: If this attack hits, you deal +5..20 damage. If you are currently not in a Stance, you also inflict Bleeding for 5..15 seconds. | |
Crippling Slash 4 (Elona) Elite Sword Attack: If this attack hits, target foe is Crippled for 5..15 seconds. | |
Dragon Slash 10 (Cantha) Elite Sword Attack: If Dragon Slash hits, you strike for +10..40 damage and gain 1..5 strikes of adrenaline. | |
Final Thrust 10 (Core) Sword Attack: Lose all adrenaline. If Final Thrust hits, you deal 1..40 more damage. This damage is doubled if your target was below 50% Health. | |
Galrath Slash 8 (Tyria) Sword Attack: This attack strikes for +1..40 damage if it hits. | |
Gash 7 (Core) Sword Attack: If this attack hits a Bleeding foe, you strike for 5..20 more damage and that foe suffers a Deep Wound, lowering that foe's maximum Health by 20% for 5..20 seconds. | |
Hamstring 10 15 (Core) Sword Attack: If this attack hits, your target is Crippled for 3..15 seconds, slowing his movement. | |
Hundred Blades 5 8 (Core) Elite Sword Attack: Swing twice at target foe and foes adjacent to your target. | |
Jaizhenju Strike 5 8 (Cantha) Sword Attack: If Jaizhenju Strike hits, you strike for +1..30 damage. If you are not using a Stance, Jaizhenju Strike cannot be blocked. | |
Pure Strike 5 8 (Tyria) Sword Attack: If Pure Strike hits, you strike for +1..30 damage. If you are not using a Stance, Pure Strike cannot be blocked. | |
Quivering Blade 4 (Cantha) Elite Sword Attack: If Quivering Blade hits, you strike for +10..40 damage. If it is blocked, Quivering Blade is disabled for 4 seconds and you are Dazed for 8 seconds. | |
Savage Slash 10 0.5 20 (Core) Sword Attack: If this attack hits, it interrupts the target foe's action. If that action was a Spell, you deal 1..40 extra damage. | |
Seeking Blade 5 4 (Core) Sword Attack: If this attack hits you strike for +1..20 damage. If Seeking Blade is blocked, your target begins Bleeding and takes 1..20 damage. | |
Sever Artery 4 (Core) Sword Attack: If this attack hits, the opponent begins Bleeding for 5..25 seconds, losing Health over time. | |
Silverwing Slash 8 (Cantha) Sword Attack: This attack strikes for +1..40 damage if it hits. | |
Standing Slash 6 (Cantha) Sword Attack: If it hits, Standing Slash deals +5..20 damage plus an additional 5..20 damage if you are in a Stance. | |
Steelfang Slash 8 (Elona) Sword Attack: If this attack hits, you deal +1..31 damage. If you hit a foe that is knocked down, you gain 1..5 adrenaline. | |
Sun and Moon Slash 8 (Cantha) Sword Attack: Attack target foe twice. These attacks cannot be blocked. |
"Charge!" 5 20 (Core) Elite Shout: For 5..11 seconds, all allies within earshot move 25% faster. | |
"Fear Me!" 4 (Tyria) Shout: All nearby foes lose 1..4 Energy. | |
"None Shall Pass!" 10 45 (Cantha) Shout: All nearby foes that are moving are knocked down. | |
"Retreat!" 5 20 (Cantha) Shout: If there are any dead allies within earshot, your party moves 33% faster for 5..11 seconds. | |
"Shields Up!" 10 30 (Core) Shout: For 8..20 seconds, you and all party members within earshot gain 50 armor against piercing damage and 50% chance to block incoming projectile attacks. | |
"To the Limit!" 5 20 (Tyria) Shout: For each foe within earshot (maximum 1..6), you gain one strike of adrenaline. | |
"Victory is Mine!" 5 15 (Tyria) Elite Shout: You gain 10..68 Health and 3..7 Energy for each Condition suffered by target foe. | |
"Watch Yourself!" 4 (Core) Shout: Party members within earshot gain +5..25 armor for 5..11 seconds. | |
Auspicious Parry 1 2 (Cantha) Elite Stance: For 5..11 seconds, the next attack against you is Blocked and you gain 1..4 strikes of Adrenaline. | |
Balanced Stance 5 30 (Core) Stance: For 8..20 seconds, you cannot be knocked down and you do not suffer extra damage from a critical attack. | |
Bonetti's Defense 8 (Tyria) Stance: For 5..11 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block incoming melee attacks and arrows. You gain 5 Energy for each successful melee attack blocked. Bonetti's Defense ends if you use a skill. | |
Deadly Riposte 5 10 (Tyria) Skill: For 8 seconds, while you have a sword equipped, you block the next melee attack against you, and your attacker is struck for 15..90 damage and begins Bleeding for 3..25 seconds. | |
Defensive Stance 5 15 (Core) Stance: For 1..8 seconds, you have +24 armor and you have a 75% chance to block melee attacks and arrows. Defensive Stance ends if you use a skill. | |
Deflect Arrows 5 10 (Tyria) Stance: For 1..8 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block arrows. This effect ends if you successfully hit with an attack. | |
Desperation Blow 5 7 (Tyria) Melee Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +10..40 damage, and your target suffers from one of the following Conditions: Deep Wound (for 20 seconds), Weakness (for 20 seconds), Bleeding (for 25 seconds), or Crippled (for 15 seconds). After making a Desperation Blow, you are knocked down. | |
Disciplined Stance 5 15 (Tyria) Stance: For 1..6 seconds, you gain +24 armor and have a 75% chance to block attacks. Disciplined Stance ends if you use an adrenal skill. | |
Drunken Blow 5 7 (Cantha) Melee Attack: If this attack hits, you strike for +10..40 damage and your target suffers from one of the following Conditions: Deep Wound (for 20 seconds), Weakness (for 20 seconds), Bleeding (for 25 seconds), or Crippled (for 15 seconds). After making a Drunken Blow, you are knocked down. | |
Gladiator's Defense 5 30 (Tyria) Elite Stance: For 5..11 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block incoming attacks. Whenever you block a melee attack this way, the attacker suffers 5..35 damage. | |
Healing Signet 2 4 (Core) Signet: You gain 40..152 Health. You have -40 armor while using this skill. | |
Protector's Defense 5 30 (Cantha) Skill: For 5..11 seconds, adjacent allies have a 75% chance to block incoming attacks. Protector's Defense ends if you move. | |
Riposte 4 (Tyria) Skill: For 8 seconds, while you have a sword equipped, you block the next melee attack against you and your attacker is struck for 20..80 damage. | |
Shield Stance 5 15 (Tyria) Stance: For 1..8 seconds, while wielding a shield, you have a 75% chance to block incoming attacks, but you move 33% slower. | |
Shove 5 0.75 20 (Cantha) Elite Skill: Lose all Adrenaline. All of your other non-attack skills are disabled for 10..5 seconds. Target touched foe is knocked down and takes 15..75 damage. | |
Soldier's Defense 5 10 (Elona) Stance: For 1..8 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block attacks while under the effects of a Shout or Chant. | |
Soldier's Stance 5 8 (Elona) Elite Stance: For 4..10 seconds, you attack 33% faster while under the effects of a Shout or Chant. | |
Soldier's Strike 5 4 (Elona) Melee Attack: If this attack hits, you deal +10..40 more damage. If you are under the effects of a Chant or Shout, this attack cannot be blocked. | |
Steady Stance 5 6 (Elona) Elite Stance: For 10 seconds, the next time you would be knocked down, you gain 1..3 strikes of adrenaline and 1..7 Energy instead. | |
Thrill of Victory 5 8 (Core) Melee Attack: If this blow hits, and you have more Health than target foe you strike for +15..45 damage. | |
Wary Stance 10 10 (Tyria) Stance: For 1..6 seconds, you block any attack skills used against you. For each successful block, you gain adrenaline and 5 Energy. Wary Stance ends if you use a skill. |
No Attribute
"Coward!" 6 (Cantha) Elite Shout: If target foe is moving, that foe is knocked down. | |
"For Great Justice!" 10 45 (Core) Shout: For 20 seconds, whenever you gain adrenaline, you gain 50% more. | |
"On Your Knees!" 6 (Cantha) Shout: Lose all adrenaline. If any adjacent foes are knocked down, all of your Stances are recharged. | |
"You're All Alone!" 5 10 (Elona) Elite Shout: If target foe isn't near an ally, that foe suffers from Cripple and Weakness for 7 seconds. | |
Distracting Blow 5 0.5 10 (Core) Melee Attack: Swipe your weapon at the target, dealing no damage but disrupting the target's current action (and the actions of foes adjacent to your target). | |
Flurry 5 5 (Tyria) Stance: For 5 seconds, your attack rate is increased by 33%, but you deal 25% less damage. | |
Frenzied Defense 5 10 (Elona) Stance: For 8 seconds, you have a 75% chance to block incoming attacks, but take double damage. | |
Frenzy 5 4 (Core) Stance: For 8 seconds, you attack 33% faster but take double damage. | |
Skull Crack 9 0.5 (Tyria) Elite Melee Attack: If it hits, this attack interrupts the target's current action. If that foe was casting a Spell, that foe is Dazed for 10 seconds. | |
Wild Blow 5 8 (Core) Melee Attack: Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will result in a critical hit and any Stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be blocked. |