ExYu balance

18 godina 5 meseci pre #250 od ljubo
ExYu balance was created by ljubo
\"Ja i Nemanja smo odvajali od svojih usta da bi vam napravili ovaj build, a vi vidite sad kako sete dalje...\"

[build prof=W/E name=\"sword shock\" swo=12+1+3 tac=11+1 air=6][hundred blades][sever artery][gash][final thrust][sprint][shock][healing signet][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=W/E name=\"axe war\" axe=12+1+3+ tac=11+1 air=6][frenzy][eviscerate][executioners strike][distracting blow][shock][sprint][healing signet][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=ME/E name=\"fc ele\" fir=12 fas=11+1 ins=10][flare][fireball][arcane echo][fire storm][meteor shower][fire attunement][energy drain][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=R/W name=\"choking gas\" exp=12+1+3 wil=11+1 mar=7][practiced stance][seeking arrows][choking gas][flurry][distracting shot][savage shot][whirling defense][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=E/MO name=\"earth prot\" ear=12+1+2 ene=9+1 pro=9][ether prodigy][ward against melee][ward against foes][aegis][extinguish][aftershock][obsidian flame][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=MO/ME name=\"BL monk\" div=16 heal=13][channeling][heal party][signet of devotion][spirit bond][dwaynas kiss][divine intervention][gift of health][blessed light][/build]
[build prof=MO/ME name=\"boon-prot monk\" div=11+1+3 pro=10+1 ins=10][energy drain][inspired hex][revealed hex][protective spirit][guardian][reversal of fortune][mend condition][divine boon][/build]
[build prof=R/A name=\"trapp runner\" exp=16 wil=13 sha=4][resurrection signet][troll unguent][whirling defense][return][escape][dodge][barbed trap][flame trap][/build]

1.choking gas zatvara drugog monka
2. ostale uloge su uobicajene..war calluje spike, itd..
3.fc/ele kastuje fire attun., a zatim dvaput meteore, pa fire storm i fire ball.

Izmenjeno: ljubo, 04.10.06 19:32

Izmenjeno: ljubo, 06.10.06 01:12<br><br>Izmenjeno: ljubo, 09.10.06 12:30

Kakvo sunce u sred bijela dana ??

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