- Poruka: 217
- Primljenih Zahvalnica: 0
"Sarma" build
18 godina 3 meseci pre #299
od ljubo
Kakvo sunce u sred bijela dana ??
"Sarma" build was created by ljubo
[build prof=w/a name=\"axe war\" axe=12+1+2 str=11+1 dead=9][shadow prison][frenzy][dismember][critical chop][penetrating blow][executioners strike][dash][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=W/A name=\"sword war\" str=12+1 swo=12+1+3 dead=9][shadow prison][tiger stance][leviathans sweep][sever artery][gash][final thrust][dash][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=Me/Mo name=\"e-surger\" dom=11+2+1][Draw Conditions][Energy Surge][Diversion][Energy Burn][Power Return][Drain Enchantment][shatter enchantment][Resurrection Chant][/build]
[build prof=e/me name=\"blinder\" air=11+1+3 ene=11+1 dom=8][air attunement][blinding surge][enervating charge][lightning orb][gale][diversion][arcane thievery][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=e/mo name=\"sandstorm warder\" ear=12+3+1 ene=10+1 hea=8][earth attunement][ward against melee][ward against foes][ward of stability][obsidian flame][sandstorm][glyph of sacrifice][resurrection chant][/build]
[build prof=Mo/A name=\"DX\" pro=11+1+3 div=11+1 sha=9][divert hexes][reversal of fortune][shield of absorption][dismiss condition][signet of devotion][spirit bond][glyph of lesser energy][aegis][/build]
[build prof=Mo/A name=\"ZB\" div=10+1+1 pro=10+3 hea=8+1 sha=7][zealous benediction][reversal of fortune][shield of absorption][dismiss condition][gift of health][protective spirit][glyph of lesser energy][aegis][/build]
[build prof=mo/e name=\"zastava\" hea=11+3+1 div=8+1 pro=9+1 air=8][storm djinns haste][blinding flash][protective spirit][shield of absorption][gift of health][light of deliverance][extinguish][resurrection signet][/build]
Izmenjeno: ljubo, 04.12.06 20:11<br><br>Izmenjeno: ljubo, 04.12.06 20:14
[build prof=W/A name=\"sword war\" str=12+1 swo=12+1+3 dead=9][shadow prison][tiger stance][leviathans sweep][sever artery][gash][final thrust][dash][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=Me/Mo name=\"e-surger\" dom=11+2+1][Draw Conditions][Energy Surge][Diversion][Energy Burn][Power Return][Drain Enchantment][shatter enchantment][Resurrection Chant][/build]
[build prof=e/me name=\"blinder\" air=11+1+3 ene=11+1 dom=8][air attunement][blinding surge][enervating charge][lightning orb][gale][diversion][arcane thievery][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=e/mo name=\"sandstorm warder\" ear=12+3+1 ene=10+1 hea=8][earth attunement][ward against melee][ward against foes][ward of stability][obsidian flame][sandstorm][glyph of sacrifice][resurrection chant][/build]
[build prof=Mo/A name=\"DX\" pro=11+1+3 div=11+1 sha=9][divert hexes][reversal of fortune][shield of absorption][dismiss condition][signet of devotion][spirit bond][glyph of lesser energy][aegis][/build]
[build prof=Mo/A name=\"ZB\" div=10+1+1 pro=10+3 hea=8+1 sha=7][zealous benediction][reversal of fortune][shield of absorption][dismiss condition][gift of health][protective spirit][glyph of lesser energy][aegis][/build]
[build prof=mo/e name=\"zastava\" hea=11+3+1 div=8+1 pro=9+1 air=8][storm djinns haste][blinding flash][protective spirit][shield of absorption][gift of health][light of deliverance][extinguish][resurrection signet][/build]
Izmenjeno: ljubo, 04.12.06 20:11<br><br>Izmenjeno: ljubo, 04.12.06 20:14
Kakvo sunce u sred bijela dana ??
Molimo vas Prijava ili Napravite nalog da se pridružite konverzaciji.
- Celavi Monk
- Van mreže
- Junior
- Poruka: 33
- Primljenih Zahvalnica: 0
18 godina 3 meseci pre #300
od Celavi Monk
Replied by Celavi Monk on topic Odgovor:\"Sarma\" build
imas male greske... npr wariori umesto 7 na shadow arts imaju 7 na death magic

Molimo vas Prijava ili Napravite nalog da se pridružite konverzaciji.
18 godina 3 meseci pre #320
od Alpinista
Replied by Alpinista on topic Odgovor:\"Sarma\" build
Napravi od elea demage dealere... veruj mi

Molimo vas Prijava ili Napravite nalog da se pridružite konverzaciji.
- Celavi Monk
- Van mreže
- Junior
- Poruka: 33
- Primljenih Zahvalnica: 0
18 godina 3 meseci pre #324
od Celavi Monk
Replied by Celavi Monk on topic Odgovor:
Alpinista Napisao:
Hmm ... imash sandstorm wardera koji je veoma lep dmg dealer koji ucestvuje u spike-u, onda imas blindera bez kojeg se nikako nemoze odigrati lepo gvg i on takodje ucestvuje u spike-u... Znaci imamo 2 ele-a koji imaju velik dmg, sada pitanje: koje elementaliste da pretvorimo u dmg-dealere ? o_O
Napravi od elea demage dealere... veruj mi
Hmm ... imash sandstorm wardera koji je veoma lep dmg dealer koji ucestvuje u spike-u, onda imas blindera bez kojeg se nikako nemoze odigrati lepo gvg i on takodje ucestvuje u spike-u... Znaci imamo 2 ele-a koji imaju velik dmg, sada pitanje: koje elementaliste da pretvorimo u dmg-dealere ? o_O
Molimo vas Prijava ili Napravite nalog da se pridružite konverzaciji.
Vreme kreiranja strane: 1.024 sekundi