17 godina 6 meseci pre #603 od ljubo
WEAPON UPGRADE cene was created by ljubo

Barbed sword hilts 1k
Crippling sword hilts 1k
Cruel sword hilts 1k
Ebon sword hilts 2k
Fiery sword hilts 2k
Furious sword hilts 5k
Furious 09% - 3k
Furious 08% - 1k
Icy sword hilts 2-4k
Poisonous sword hilts 1k
Shocking sword hilts 2-4k
Sundering sword hilts 20-30k
Sundering 19% - 5k
Sundering 18% - 2k
Vampiric sword hilts 3-5k
Zealous sword hilts 3-6k

Sword pommels of defense 3-5k
Sword pommels of enchanting 8-12k
Enchanting 19% - 3-8k
Enchanting 18% - 1-2k
Sword pommels of fortitude 15-25k
Fortitude 29hp - 5-8k
Fortitude 28hp - 3-5k
Sword pommels of shelter 4-7k
Shelter +6 - 1K
Sword pommels of swordsmanship 6k
Swordsmanship +1 19% - 4k
Swordsmanship +1 18% - 1K
Sword pommels of warding 4-7k
Warding +6 - 1K


Barbed axe hafts 1k
Crippling axe hafts 1K
Cruel axe hafts 1K
Ebon axe hafts 2k
Fiery axe hafts 2k
Furious axe hafts 6-10k
Furious 09% - 3-5k
Furious 08% - 1k
Heavy axe hafts 1K (Never seen this one, why would anyone want it?)
Icy axe hafts 2k
Poisonous axe hafts 1k
Shocking axe hafts 2k
Sundering axe hafts 15-20k
Sundering 19% - 5k
Sundering 18% - 3k
Vampiric axe hafts 5k
Zealous axe hafts 5-8k

Axe grips of axe mastery 3-4k
Axe mastery +1 19% - 1-2k
Axe mastery +1 18% - 1K
Axe grips of defense 2-5k
Axe grips of enchanting 5-8k
Enchanting 19% - 3-5k
Enchanting 18% - 1-2k
Axe grips of fortitude 10-15k
Fortitude 29hp - 5k
Fortitude 28hp - 2-3k
Axe grips of shelter 2-5k
Shelter +6 - 1K
Axe grips of warding 2-5k
Warding +6 - 1K


Cruel hammer hafts 1k
Ebon hammer hafts 1K
Fiery hammer hafts 1k
Furious hammer hafts 5k
Furious 09% - 2-3k
Furious 08% - 1K
Heavy hammer hafts 1k
Icy hammer hafts 1-2k
Shocking hammer hafts 1-2k
Sundering hammer hafts 5k
Sundering 19% - 3-5k
Sundering 18% - 1k
Vampiric hammer hafts 2-3k
Zealous hammer hafts 3-5k

Hammer grips of defense 2-5k
Hammer grips of enchanting 5k
Enchanting 19% - 2-3k
Enchanting 18% - 1k
Hammer grips of fortitude 5k
Fortitude 29hp - 2-3k
Fortitude 28hp - 1k
Hammer grips of hammer mastery 3-4k
Hammer mastery +1 19% - 1k
Hammer mastery +1 18% - 1K
Hammer grips of shelter 2-5k
Shelter +6 - 1K
Hammer grips of warding 2-5k
Warding +6 - 1K


Barbed bow strings 1-2k
Crippling bow strings 1-2K
Ebon bow strings 2K
Fiery bow strings 2k
Icy bow strings 2K
Poisonous bow strings 1k
Shocking bow strings 2k
Silencing bow strings 4-5k
Sundering bow strings 10-15k
Sundering 19% - 5k
Sundering 18% - 2-3k
Vampiric bow strings 3-5k
Zealous bow strings 4-7k

Bow grips of defense 2-5k
Bow grips of enchanting 3k
Enchanting 19% - 1k
Enchanting 18% - 1K
Bow grips of fortitude 5-8k
Fortitude 29hp - 3k
Fortitude 28hp - 1k
Bow grips of marksmanship 3-8k
Marksmanship +1 19% - 1k
Marksmanship +1 18% - 1K
Bow grips of shelter 2-5k
Shelter +6 - 1K
Bow grips of warding 2-5k
Warding +6 - 1K


Barbed dagger tangs 2-3k
Crippling dagger tangs 1K
Cruel dagger tangs 2K
Ebon dagger tangs 2K
Fiery dagger tangs 2k
Furious dagger tangs 2-4k
Furious 09% - 1K
Icy dagger tangs 1-2k
Poisonous dagger tangs 2-3k
Shocking dagger tangs 1-2k
Silencing dagger tangs 2-3k
Sundering dagger tangs 5-8k
Sundering 19% - 2-3k
Vampiric dagger tangs 2k
Zealous dagger tangs 5-8K

Dagger handles of dagger mastery 3-8k
Dagger mastery +1 19% - 1k
Dagger mastery +1 18% - 1K
Dagger handles of defense 2-5k
Dagger handles of enchanting 3-5k
Enchanting 19% - 1-2k
Enchanting 18% - 1k
Dagger handles of fortitude 5-8k
Fortitude 29hp - 1-3k
Fortitude 28hp - 1K
Dagger handles of shelter 2-5k
Shelter +6 - 1K
Dagger handles of warding 2-5k
Warding +6 - 1K


Adept staff heads 4-8K
Adept 19% - 1-2k
Defensive staff heads 1K
Hale staff heads 3-5k
Hale +29hp - 1-2k
Insightful staff heads 2-3k
Swift staff heads 5-15k

Staff wrappings of defense 1K
Staff wrappings of devotion 5-20k
Devotion 44hp - 5-10k
Staff wrappings of enchanting 5-10k
Enchanting 19% - 2k
Enchanting 18% - 1K
Staff wrappings of endurance 2-3k
Staff wrappings of fortitude 5-8k
Fortitude +29hp - 2k
Staff wrappings of mastery 5-20k
Staff wrappings of shelter 2k
Staff wrappings of valor 5-10k
Staff wrappings of warding 2k

New Mods and Inscriptions


Barbed scythe snathes 2k
Crippling scythe snathes 2k
Cruel scythe snathes 2k
Ebon scythe snathes 5-8k
Fiery scythe snathes 2k
Furious scythe snathes 5-10k
Furious 09% - 2-3k
Heavy scythe snathes 1K
Icy scythe snathes 3-5K
Poisonous scythe snathes 2K
Shocking scythe snathes 2k
Sundering scythe snathes 15-20k
Sundering 19% - 5-10k
Sundering 18% - 2-3k
Vampiric scythe snathes 3-5k
Zealous scythe snathes 5-8k

Scythe grips of defense 3-5k
Scythe grips of enchanting 15-20k
Enchanting 19% - 5-10k
Enchanting 18% - 3-5k
Scythe grips of fortitude 10-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 5k
Fortitude 28hp - 3k
Scythe grips of scythe mastery 3-5k
Scythe Mastery +1 19% - 1k
Scythe grips of shelter 2-5k
Shelter +6 - 1K
Scythe grips of warding 3-5k
Warding +6 - 1K


Barbed spearheads 1K
Crippling spearheads 1k
Cruel spearheads 1k
Ebon spearheads 1-2k
Fiery spearheads 1-2k
Furious spearheads 5-10k
Furious 09% - 5-10k
Furious 08% - 2-3k
Heavy spearheads 1K
Icy spearheads 1-2K
Poisonous spearheads 1-2k
Shocking spearheads 1-2k
Silencing spearheads 1-2k
Sundering spearheads 10-15k
Sundering 19% - 5k
Sundering 18% - 3k
Vampiric spearheads 5k
Zealous spearheads 5-10k

Spear grips of defense 3-5k
Spear grips of enchanting 5-10k
Enchanting 19% - 3-5k
Spear grips of fortitude 10-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 5-8k
Fortitude 28hp - 3k
Spear grips of shelter 2-5k
Shelter +6 - 1K
Spear grips of spear mastery 3-5k
Spear mastery +1 19% - 1k
Spear grips of warding 2-5k
Warding +6 - 1K

Shield Handles

Shield handles of devotion 10-15k
Devotion +44 2-3k
Shield handles of endurance 10-15k
Endurance +44 2-3k
Shield handles of fortitude 10-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 5-8k
Shield handles of valor 5-10k


Focus cores of aptitude 5-15k
Focus cores of devotion 5-15k
Focus cores of endurance 1-2k
Focus cores of fortitude 5-20k
Fortitude 29hp - 3-5k
Focus cores of swiftness 3-5k
Focus cores of valor 5-20k

Be just and fear not inscriptions 3-5k
Forget me not inscriptions 30-50k (hard to find)
Forget Me Not 19% - 10-20k
Hail to the king inscriptions 3-5k
Life is pain inscriptions 2k
Man for all seasons inscriptions 3k
Survival of the fittest inscriptions 3-5k

Shield and Focus Inscriptions

Luck of the draw inscriptions 10-15k
Luck of the draw 19% - 3-5k
Run for your life! inscriptions 5-8k
Sheltered by faith inscriptions 3-5k
Sleep now in the fire inscriptions 5-15k+
The riddle of steel inscriptions 7-15k+
Riders on the storm inscriptions 5-10k
Leaf on the wind inscriptions 5-10k
Through thick and thin inscriptions 5-10k
Not the face! inscriptions 5-8k
Like a Rolling Stone inscriptions 5-10k
Master of my domain inscriptions 10-20k

Martial/General Weapon Inscriptions

(I KNOW these aren't all JUST martial... that's what they are only used for though)

I Have The Power! inscriptions 4-7k (Increase in demand from \"Caster\" swords)
Let The Memory Live Again inscriptions 2-4k
Strength and honor inscriptions -4-7k (Not Dropping as much after the updates)
Strength and honor 14>50 - 1-2k
Brawn Over Brains inscriptions 2-5k
To The Pain! inscriptions 2-5k
Vengeance is Mine inscriptions 2-5k
Dance with Death inscriptions 2-5k

Spellcasting Weapon Inscriptions

Appitude Not Attitude inscriptions 8-15k (Not Dropping as much after the updates)
Appitude Not Attitude 19% - 5k
Hale And Hearty inscriptions 3-5k
Have Faith inscriptions 2-3k
Seize The Day inscriptions 7-15k (Not Dropping as much after the updates)
Don't call it a comeback! inscriptions 3-5k
I am Sorrow inscriptions 3-5k
Ignorance is bliss inscriptions 3-5k


Wand wrappings of memory 3-10k
Memory 19% - 2-5k
Wand wrappings of quickening 2-3k
Don't Think Twice inscriptions - 2-3k

Please give me more feedback on how you buy and sell, much is needed for this, and remind me what i need to add. Thanks!


Aptitude not attitude inscriptions 10-15k
Show me the money inscriptions 1k
Cast out the unclean inscriptions 1-2k
Might makes right inscriptions 1-5k
Riders on the storm inscriptions 5-10k
Guided by fate inscriptions 6-8k (Dervish Users prefer this than 15%^50%)
Faith is my shield inscriptions 3-5k
Soundness of mind inscriptions 1-3k
Fear cuts deeper inscriptions 1-2k
Measure for measure inscriptions 1k
Serenity now inscriptions 3-5k
Live for today inscriptions 5-10k
Let the memory live again inscriptions 2-4k
Life is pain inscriptions 2k
Not the face! inscriptions 5-10k
Nothing to fear inscriptions 3-5k
Run for your life! inscriptions 5-8k
Sheltered by faith inscriptions 3-5k
Spear grips of fortitude 10-20k
Axe grips of pruning 5-10k<br><br>Izmenjeno: ljubo, 02.09.07 18:43

Kakvo sunce u sred bijela dana ??

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