- Poruka: 217
- Primljenih Zahvalnica: 0
17 godina 10 meseci pre #532
od ljubo
Kakvo sunce u sred bijela dana ??
HEROWAY !!! was created by ljubo
[build prof=e/mo fir=15 ene=12 hea=7 name=\"hero leader\"][savannah heat][teinais heat][searing heat][liquid flame][flame djinns haste][fire attunement][glyph of sacrifice][resurrection chant][/build]
[build prof=e fir=15 ene=13 name=\"acolyte sousuke\"][savannah heat][teinais heat][searing heat][liquid flame][mark of rodgort][fire attunement][glyph of lesser energy][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=e fir=15 ene=13 name=\"zhed shadowhoof\"][savannah heat][teinais heat][searing heat][liquid flame][fireball][fire attunement][glyph of lesser energy][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=p/w spe=13 lea=11 tac=11 name=\"general morghan\"][spear of lightning][merciless spear][cruel spear][theyre on fire][aggressive refrain][watch yourself][shields up][signet of return][/build]
[build prof=e wat=15 ene=13 name=\"snare\"][water trident][freezing gust][blurred vision][glyph of lesser energy][deep freeze][ice spikes][water attunement][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=mo pro=14 hea=10 div=8 ins=6 name=\"SoD-gift\"][shield of deflection][spirit bond][holy veil][reversal of fortune][storm djinns haste][gift of health][aegis][auspicious incantation][/build]
[build prof=mo pro=14 hea=10 div=8 ins=6 name=\"RC-gift\"][restore condition][reversal of fortune][holy veil][protective spirit][gift of health][aegis][auspicious incantation][channeling][/build]
[build prof=mo hea=14 pro=10 div=8 ins=6 name=\"Infuse-LoD\"][dwaynas kiss][orison of healing][light of deliverance][infuse health][draw conditions][healing seed][holy veil][channeling][/build]
MONKOVI CE BITI NAKNADNO UBACENI<br><br>Izmenjeno: ljubo, 30.04.07 21:19
[build prof=e fir=15 ene=13 name=\"acolyte sousuke\"][savannah heat][teinais heat][searing heat][liquid flame][mark of rodgort][fire attunement][glyph of lesser energy][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=e fir=15 ene=13 name=\"zhed shadowhoof\"][savannah heat][teinais heat][searing heat][liquid flame][fireball][fire attunement][glyph of lesser energy][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=p/w spe=13 lea=11 tac=11 name=\"general morghan\"][spear of lightning][merciless spear][cruel spear][theyre on fire][aggressive refrain][watch yourself][shields up][signet of return][/build]
[build prof=e wat=15 ene=13 name=\"snare\"][water trident][freezing gust][blurred vision][glyph of lesser energy][deep freeze][ice spikes][water attunement][resurrection signet][/build]
[build prof=mo pro=14 hea=10 div=8 ins=6 name=\"SoD-gift\"][shield of deflection][spirit bond][holy veil][reversal of fortune][storm djinns haste][gift of health][aegis][auspicious incantation][/build]
[build prof=mo pro=14 hea=10 div=8 ins=6 name=\"RC-gift\"][restore condition][reversal of fortune][holy veil][protective spirit][gift of health][aegis][auspicious incantation][channeling][/build]
[build prof=mo hea=14 pro=10 div=8 ins=6 name=\"Infuse-LoD\"][dwaynas kiss][orison of healing][light of deliverance][infuse health][draw conditions][healing seed][holy veil][channeling][/build]
MONKOVI CE BITI NAKNADNO UBACENI<br><br>Izmenjeno: ljubo, 30.04.07 21:19
Kakvo sunce u sred bijela dana ??
Molimo vas Prijava ili Napravite nalog da se pridružite konverzaciji.
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